Title |
Authors/Editors |
Publisher |
Type |
Copies |
Man and His Symbols
Dell |
Books |
1 |
Transnational Organized Crime: A Commentary on the United Nations Convention and its Protocols (Oxford Commentaries on International Law)
Oxford University Press, USA |
Books |
1 |
The Communist Manifesto
Charles H. Kerr Publishing Co. |
Books |
1 |
Copyright, Unfair Competition and Related Topics Bearing on the Protection of Works of Authorship (University Casebook Series)
Foundation Pr |
Books |
1 |
Bookmarks: A Companion Text for Kindred (Bookmarks: Fluency Through Novels)
University of Michigan Press/ELT |
Books |
1 |
Selected Essays on Political Economy
The Foundation for Economic Education |
Books |
1 |
Cases and Materials on European Union Law (American Casebook Series)
Gale Cengage |
Books |
1 |
Hidden Order: The Economics of Everyday Life
HarperBusiness |
Books |
1 |
Professional Responsibllity: Problems and Materials (University Casebook Series)
Foundation Pr |
Books |
1 |
American Criminal Procedure: Cases and Commentary
West Group |
Books |
1 |